Pricing & Billing FAQ

All frequently asked questions and answers around Storrito's suscriptions and their pricing and billing.

Can I upgrade at any time and do I keep my story posts?

You can upgrade whenever you like. The story post amount of the new
plan will be added to your current story post count.

Example 1:
You have 10 story posts left and you upgrade to the
'Standard' plan. After the upgrade you will have 110 story posts.

Example 2:
You have 20 posts left from your current 'Standard' plan and upgrade to 'Professional'. After the upgrade you will have 520 posts left.

Furthermore your billing date will be changed to today + 30 days,
therefore you have more time to spend your story posts.

Can I downgrade my plan?

Yes you can downgrade your plan at any time.
You will keep your remaining posts until the end of your current billing period. With the beginning of the next billing period your post amount will be set accordingly to your new plan.

You are on 'Professional' and downgrade to 'Standard', your next billing date will be in 10 days and you have 200 posts left.

A: After 10 days you still have 120 posts left. Your next billing period starts with the 'Standard' plan price and your posts will be set to 100.

B: After 10 days you only have 6 posts left. Your next billing period starts with the 'Standard' plan price and your posts will be set to 100.

When can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any point in time.
You will keep your remaining posts until the end of your current subscrioption month.
After that you will be set to zero posts. On the 1st day of each month you will get the 10 free posts again according th the free plan.

We are sad to see you go!
Remember: You can resume to your current subscription at any time by clicking on 'Resume your plan' in the Subscription section.

I need more story posts!

No problem! You can upgrade to a higher subscription at any time!
Our plans reach from 'Standard' to '20 x Professional' (100 to 10,000 posts)!

If you need any amount in between our plans, we offer so called "Post Packages". By buying one of these you will get a certain amount of posts immediately for your current billing period.
You can find the post packages by clicking on 'Get a Post Package' in the Subscription section or on 'Post package' in the top bar.

You are on 'Standard', have no posts left and your next refill date will be in 4 days. You decide to buy a post package and get 20 additional posts immediately. Now you have 4 days left to use up 24 posts before you will be refilled to 100 posts again.

Which features are included in the different plans?

We tried to keep it simple. Therefore every plan includes all
features. You only need to decide how many story post you need per

How many Instagram accounts am I allowed to connect?

You can connect as many Instagram accounts as you like.

How many Team members am I allowed to add?

You can add as many team members as you like.

When will my story post amount be refilled?

We show the date of the next refill in the Subscription section. It is also the date, when we will charge the subscription price for the current month.

Can I buy yearly subscription?

At the moment this it not possible, but we will provide this option in
the future.

What is and who sells Storrito?

Storrito is developed by the Vire GmbH, a company located in Cologne,
Germany. We use as a so-called reseller. Paddle handles
the complex tax regulations of the different countries, so that we -
the Vire GmbH - can sell Storrito globally.

Where can I enter my company address (and VAT number) for the invoice?

You will receive an email (from our reseller Paddle) that includes a
link 'View your invoice'. The link opens a website with your
invoice. There you can enter the necessary invoice information like
your company name, address and optionally a VAT number. You only have
to enter this information once.

What does the enterprise plan offer?

The enterprise plan costs $500 per month and includes 5000 story
posts. Its primary purpose is to offer custom development services to
big customers. For example to auto-generate story content from other
sources like blog posts, Twitter etc.

If you are just looking for more than 500 story posts per month, then
please consider to buy the professional plan multiple times (see the
answer above).

I want a custom contract?

At the moment we only offer a custom contract for the enterprise plan.

I have another question?

Please contact our support team. Either by using the chat on this
website (click on the red circle in the lower right corner) or write
us an email to